How does it work ?


Hourly flight vouchers are there for you to fly where the mood takes you. Book a duration, turn up and see the sights as they unfold !

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any places you cannot fly ?

There aren’t many places we can’t go, but we are limited by the airspace surrounding various sensitive areas such as airports, prisons etc. Please let us know your intended destination when you book your experience, so we can consult our flight planning systems.

Can you fly in bad weather ?

Our flight experiences must operate within clear weather guidelines. Excessive clouds or rain will mean that flights may be cancelled at short notice. Its our priority is to keep you informed along the way.

Can I stop somewhere ?

Flights do not include landings off site unless specifically stated. If you wish to explore these options please contact us.

Can I bring a camera ?

Absolutely, take as many photos as you like but please keep camera equipment to a minimum.

How many people does each plane take ?

Each plane takes a pilot plus one other. We can schedule multiple trips back to back if others want to fly consecutively.